How much time do you reckon it takes to change your life? Well if I say it doesn’t take as long as you think it might take. Yes on the dense physical plain it takes time to see the changes but at the thought dimension it is a quick change.
Let us try 03 tricks to change our life in a week to see life turning around- some of these little things will do a bigger job for you. So why not to try from comforts of your home to see the change
- The first thing is to change the focus and move your thoughts, it means to live the same life but give a thought whatever comes my way is a positive outcome in my interest and a blessing sent by the universe. Being positive is the only real way to start changing your life.
- Love yourself- It has been generations on generations we have been buying on what our predecessors have believed to be true about themselves, be it our parents telling what we are, or our teachers or co -workers we rely a lot on inputs we receive from the other sources rather than believing and appreciating who we are? For a week, be thankful to yourself as you are the real manifester not the parents, friends, teachers, spouses so on and so forth.
- You are complete- For a week just give a thought each morning waking up and before going to bed “I AM Complete”
Let us know how it works for you in a week and what changes you feel in your life. Get connected to our Quantum Coach for more learning