Human form is a blessed form to be born in. We are said to be individuated expressions of the divine. Just for a moment think if you have a son or a daughter then by default they are carrying all you have in their lives from the day they are born. They have your traits, your habits, your inheritance all in all. Is that true? Then how come we can be any short of abundance with the divine present in us. Hence “ ABUNDANCE IS AKIN TO HUMAN LIFE” Abundance is the nature of everything around us, our planet is Abundant. But this happens to people who see it, experience it and live it. People often tend to see abundance related to money only but it is much more than that.Then why do humans have dearth and lack? Well humans at birth are abundant but as the karma kicks in and we start interactions with our environment we start developing blocks to our abundance. These could be blocks from this lifetime or past lifetimes. From our soul group or inherited through family/group karma. There are several techniques to remove these blocks and one tried and tested technique is Akashic Records Reading.Seek your Akashic record reading today with us