Ever wondered what it means to live a Content life? In simple words content means a state of peaceful happiness. When can I have this pristine state of existence is the question many of us are asking but we don’t know where to start and how to navigate to that state is a big question? We hear a lot about physical well-being, abundance, meditation, happy life etc. but which one leads to a content life is the question we all have?
Today’s blog is geared towards giving you a slight peep into the way on how you can get this perfect life. There is one key word in the title of this blog which is “Integration”. What are we integrating to reach a content life? Let’s consider there is a car; what makes it a car? Is it the body, its fuel tank, its engine, its gear- box? No it is none of these in singularity and all of these together makes it a car. That is very clear, the car will not function well if either of its major parts are missing. Likewise is our existence; we as humans are having 4 major bodies integrated as one, they are physical (you can see your-self in the mirror and identify with your name who you are) mental body (your mind is like an operational software which is making your hardware i.e physical body operate) emotional body ( that is how we use the commands of the software and it gives us depth) and the last one is the causal body (also called as soul body, we agree with it or not but this is making us living regardless if the physical body of a young human is well working and the causal body exits we are said to be dead). The problem starts when we are working only with one body and we totally ignore or do not consider the upkeep regime for the other bodies. That is the exact issue today’s humans are facing. They know working hard can give them a good physical body, or an abundant life but imagine if the other 3 bodies are out of alignment then how are you living an abundant life? Mathematically you are operating only at 25% of your capacity and you are looking for 100% results. Anyone who knows maths can figure this out. The content life full of abundance is not a far-fetched dream but a reality we have to learn to work towards it. I ask each one of you reading this blog to introspect and come to a conclusion of your own how much integration of these bodies has been done in your reality?
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