Money, Money, Money what powerful tools of manifestation humans have created. Going back to history money was created to make life easy and help us in transactions but to today’s humans money has taken a different role in life. Rather than being a tool it has taken up a prime space in our life and the way we interact with money and use it we are empowering its control on us beyond physical. Now the money controls us emotionally as well. We perceive our contentment with money. But does having more money make you free and powerful?
In the abundance sessions a lot many people come forward to create wealth. And most of the time we have to remind them Money on its own cannot make you free and powerful forever. Abundance is a holistic term when you are in self-control. Abundance is a natural outcome and Money is one part of it. Most of us believe it’s only our wealth that gives us power. It is not so; it is who you become in the process of being abundant that makes you powerful. When you start gathering there is no abundance without yourself; then you realise the important work we do in these sessions is on self. Money is a small part of Abundance, as if you are focusing on the fuel tank only while buying the car then we know we will not have full power while driving. Well none of us will look for fuel only while buying a car? Likewise we have to understand on this journey the true power and freedom comes to us when we start working on self by removing the boxes of perceptions in which we limit our manifestations. It is a skill which you keep honing till the truth starts showing up and that truth empowers you to the core.
We are conditioned to live our life in a certain way not realising the condition in which we are is itself a limiting condition; so we question why are we struggling to experience that freedom, that power? We are following programs after programs failing to get the desired results and it won’t change unless the focus is shifted to SELF. You are the generator of the power and freedom which you can direct towards the creation of money. Abundance is in you not in the money, the true abundance is yours when you tap in the infinite abundance in self. Believe you me, regardless of the money people hold they feel powerless and limited at many times and that is really painful beyond what we can feel because they see there is nothing more they can do, but for you; you can opt to be truly Abundant, powerful and Free by working on SELF….
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