I love flowers and I am full of joy when a bouquet comes to my home to make it beautiful. Recently somebody got me a huge bouquet of flowers and the first thing that it did was bring me a smile and joy in my heart. After settling in it got me thinking how beautifully this has been created with so many flowers in it. Different colours, size and shape of flowers and I said to myself; so much beauty in diversity….. Later working with a client in a session I gathered she was struggling to live up to the expectations of her family members and this has been one of the biggest challenges of her life. I have been working with this beautiful soul for a while and she has so much potential that needs to be harnessed but we are at a block where her loved ones are expecting her to behave in a certain way and she is challenged at every move she makes. She feels stuck at this point and not sure which way she should move as living to the expectations of others is not in line with her true-self.
As humans we are a lovely creation of God, he has blessed us with so much beauty at all levels. Humans are multidimensional beings but we find life to be challenging at times. We have to empower each other as loved ones; not force each other to be living like we are living. Just like this bouquet the beauty is in the presence of all the colours, flowers, sizes and shapes. Imagine how boring it will be to look at a bouquet of flowers with only one colour not even green in it? Likewise we have been created with our own strengths and life becomes beautiful only when we step into our power. Expecting the other person to live as per your desires is a restrictive energy and when we exert this on our loved ones we do not allow them to be who they are. Many of us will find it very difficult to live with our own self so what is the point of replicating our ways of living through our loved ones. There is a very fine line humans need to realise in relations that we cross over when we insist others to live my way. If you appreciate the beauty of this bouquet then you will also learn the beauty and power your loved ones bring to your reality and allow them to fully bloom.
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