Your intention is a tool given to you to help you create your life. Humans plan their lives all along their way. We are intentionally creating a life we are living. Many of us are an intentional creation of ourparents. Our parents decided to have a baby and we were born. As life moves the parents make a choice on what school the kids go to and what kind of life we want to give them. Later in life when we are ready to go to college the parents include our intentions as well to opt for what we want to learn in the college years and beyond. Now we start making a choice on what we want to do in our professional life; then comes the moment we fall in love and we hold the intention to be together and raise a family. And the circle of life continues the same way as it did for our parents. All along in our life we are using intention to create our life but we are keeping the use of intention very limited.
Humans have to learn to use more of our intentions if we want to create a beautiful life. Intentions are goals mixed with passion; when you set intentions you are sending signals to the universe on what you want in life. A reminder to your own-self on what you want in life and you start actively participating in co-creating your reality. We are far more likely to achieve something in our life when we are using our intention. If there is no intention to create your life then you can imagine the universe is not exactly sure what life you want to create and you are offered whatever comes through that might not be the best thing you want in your life. Your powerful intentions set the universe in motion to bring you what you want. When you are setting intentions from every single day in life you are more likely to live a life of content and joy for you know you are establishing the tracks for the universe to work. If humans can create their life by setting intentions for bigger decisions in life and many of us have experienced this in life then imagine what life will be when you take your intentions to the next level. Setting up positive intentions for your day has a compound effect on our reality. We have to stop living at the mercy of circumstances and take the leading role in our life. We invite you to set intentions and take back charge of the flow of life. So if you wish to create a happy life use your intentions the onus is on you. You can change the course of your life and its just takes conscious effort to set intentions.
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